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Commodities Economics: What Is Peak Oil?
With all of the recent discussions surrounding the possibility of electric cars, many economics investors have already started to move...
anti-Keystone XL campaign was made possible by a paradigm shift by environmentalists
An interesting point made in this month’s cover story for Oilsands Review, “The blame game behind the anti-Keystone XL campaign...
Why Alberta Oil Savings is Not like Norway but should
It is entirely plausible the only result from the Alberta savings fund (currently at just under 18 billion) after the...
Could we see $20 per barrel price of oil?
// The answer is yes, and the ones who will suffer? Well, everyone will, but North American producers, particularly in...
The Impact on the Economy: Oil Prices Dip Below $50 a Barrel
It seems like a bygone era when fuel prices were this low. Oil dipped below $50/barrel for the first time...
Top Mythical Ways to Save Money on Gas – Pragamatic Tips
We’ve all read the top 10 lists on how we can conserve our gasoline and drive a few extra stops...
US Domestic Oil Production to Impact Canadian Export?
With continued expansion in US exploration and development of domestic oil reserves, expanding existing supply and temporarily decreasing foreign oil...
Are Speculators to Blame for Oil Prices? Resources to Inform
*Updated June 9th, 2011* Here is a list of resources online that are in the midst of the discussion regarding...